API for label map data type (github.com/janelia-flyem/dvid/datatype/labelmap) ============================================================================= Note: UUIDs referenced below are strings that may either be a unique prefix of a hexadecimal UUID string (e.g., 3FA22) or a branch leaf specification that adds a colon (":") followed by the case-dependent branch name. In the case of a branch leaf specification, the unique UUID prefix just identifies the repo of the branch, and the UUID referenced is really the leaf of the branch name. For example, if we have a DAG with root A -> B -> C where C is the current HEAD or leaf of the "master" (default) branch, then asking for "B:master" is the same as asking for "C". If we add another version so A -> B -> C -> D, then references to "B:master" now return the data from "D". ---- Denormalizations like sparse volumes are *not* performed for the "0" label, which is considered a special label useful for designating background. This allows users to define sparse labeled structures in a large volume without requiring processing of entire volume. Command-line: $ dvid repo new labelmap Adds newly named data of the 'type name' to repo with specified UUID. Example (note anisotropic resolution specified instead of default 8 nm isotropic): $ dvid repo 3f8c new labelmap superpixels VoxelSize=3.2,3.2,40.0 Arguments: UUID Hexadecimal string with enough characters to uniquely identify a version node. data name Name of data to create, e.g., "superpixels" settings Configuration settings in "key=value" format separated by spaces. Configuration Settings (case-insensitive keys) BlockSize Size in voxels (default: %!s(MISSING)) Should be multiples of 16. VoxelSize Resolution of voxels (default: 8.0, 8.0, 8.0) VoxelUnits Resolution units (default: "nanometers") IndexedLabels "false" if no sparse volume support is required (default "true") MaxDownresLevel The maximum down-res level supported. Each down-res is factor of 2. $ dvid node load Initializes version node to a set of XY label images described by glob of filenames. The DVID server must have access to the named files. Currently, XY images are required. Example: $ dvid node 3f8c superpixels load 0,0,100 "data/*.png" proc=noindex Arguments: UUID Hexadecimal string with enough characters to uniquely identify a version node. data name Name of data to add. offset 3d coordinate in the format "x,y,z". Gives coordinate of top upper left voxel. image glob Filenames of label images, preferably in quotes, e.g., "foo-xy-*.png" $ dvid node composite Creates a RGBA8 image where the RGB is a hash of the labels and the A is the grayscale intensity. Example: $ dvid node 3f8c bodies composite grayscale bodyview Arguments: UUID Hexadecimal string with enough characters to uniquely identify a version node. data name Name of data to add. $ dvid node dump Dumps the internal state of the specified version of labelmap data into a space-delimted file. The format of the space-delimted files are as follows depending on the : "svcount": Supervoxel counts in a space-delimted file where each block in a supervoxel has a row: <# voxels> "mappings": Supervoxel to agglomerated label mappings in a space-delimted file where each supervoxel has a row: